Tuesday 11 October 2011

Out of place.

Well i've returned home after 3 years of sticking things on walls, dying my hair every colour under the sun, eating badly and being an abstract wanker...and quite frankly i miss it. It was nice to have clean clothes, hot water and a hearty meal in the beginning, but the urge to get back to chaos is getting stronger.

My reasoning of "mess is art" doesn't float here, nor does "i can't move the dishes from my room, art collectors are coming round to buy it!". It's becoming increasing obvious i'm not fitting in too well with my squeaky clean surroundings, and my arty farty ways look out of place in the household...

Exhibit A:

The work space for sewing has decreased a fair bit!

Exhibit B:

A cure for the space problem...but i can't see the hottest November in history happening...

Exhibit C:

"Make sure you clean that up!"

Exhibit D:

Cats, as much as i'm a fan, don't help.