Sunday 27 February 2011

A sneak peek at my final major project...

Here is a couple of pictures of some samples created that are leading to my final outfits...stay tuned.......

Design Communication

After a whole load of work that came from those weird face drawings i did and the pictures of my room showing a representation of myself, i had to create a final piece. Here is a few snaps of what i came up with. Its a representation of how the mind can work. How it holds life stories, is unconventional, random, layered and at times can make no sense to the outside viewer, yet to me (as it is in my perspective) it makes complete sense.
The actual piece goes a little like this...

1st stage: a box like book with the front cover opening up explaining the basic concept. not enough for you to know exactly what is going on get the idea. Much like knowing someone pretty well. You understand them but you don't know what is going on within their head and may not know all their deep secrets and memories.

2nd stage: Pull the string and the box comes out...but its not a box (unexpected turn), it folds out and there is a change of style, bright and colourful with snap shots of life...more information than before and a representation of projected character but still quite confusing to the outside viewer.

3rd stage: And we delve even deeper to a small folded up "L" shape. Tied up tightly with string. Holding a clear story within but deeply tucked away from the original stage. When untied each section folds out to show little card that are attached to each other, telling of certain stages of life. These unfold in to an image of the person, showing that each defined memory, experience etc. unfolds into a journey that makes up that person...

Deep shiz eh!....unfortunately the pictures don't do much justice but you get the idea...right?